We theorize that LG Sciences’ 1-Androstenolone™ is the most significant advancement in lean muscle acquisition introduced since the passage of the Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2014 (DASCA). LG Sciences 1-Androstenolone™ brings to market the most potent — patented, “cutting-edge” legal bodybuilding prohormone available today. 1-Androstenolone™ like other prohormones only converts 1.5-30% of the hormone orally ingested. We theorize LG Sciences Cyclosome™ Technology described below makes the active prohormones — like 1-Androstenolone™ — almost completely bioavailable compounds, creating an extreme anabolic environment in the body and avoiding the enzymes that destroy these hormones.
Servings Per Container: 60
Other Ingredients: Microcrystanline Cellulose, Phosphatidylcholine 75%, Hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin (HPBCD), Phytosterols, Magnesium Stearate, Silica, FD&C Blue#2, FD&C Red#40, * % Daily Value Not Available.
1-Androstenolone™ is also called 3b-hydroxy-5a-androst-1-en-17-one or 1-ANDRO by many in the bodybuilding community for short. 1-Androstenolone™ is an androgenic sex hormone and does not convert to Estrogen or DHT. This means it’s PURELY ANABOLIC. It stays as a 1-Testosterone after conversion and stays 1-Test until the hormone is used for gene transcription. It will not be broken down to estrogen or DHT. 1-Androstenolone™ is a naturally occurring DHEA Isomer that will not and cannot convert to estrogen or testosterone, but rather converts to a non-estrogenic compound called 1-Testosterone! Since 1-Androstenolone™ does not convert to estrogen it actually has anti-estrogenic effects by changing the ratio of androgens to estrogens, which means it is a perfect compound to use if you are doing a cutting cycle as it will aid in fat loss as demonstrated in preliminary studies with the compound. 1-Androstenolone products are great stackers, and can be stacked with almost any compound when lean gains are desired.
1-Androstenolone™ is a compound that has a unique structure which makes it favorable to many people who want to balance their hormones. This steroid hormone has a double bond at the 1st molecule, which many theorize make it more resistant to metabolic clearing. This 1-ene structure also helps resist conversion to many hormones that are not considered optimal for men like estrogen and dihydrotestosterone metabolites. Thus with 1-Andro you get a prohormone that may enhance your androgen to estrogen ratio, without adding additional metabolites that you may not want in your system. This prohormone is great for adding in a dry prohormone to a cycle or used alone to offset the environmental estrogens in your diet. When combined with proper diet and exercise the mental and physical benefits to this prohormone may give you an amazing edge in the gym to reach your fitness goals for strength and mass.
Researchers from West Texas A&M University, the California Baptist University and the University of Texas at Austin have actually published a paper with the main results of a double-blind placebo experiment in the International Journal of Exercise Science in 2013 on the amazing compound — 1-Androstenolone™. The “1-Andro Cycle” lead to significant increases in lean body mass 6.3±1.2%, decreased the total body fat mass by 24.6±7.1%, and increased the back squat 1-RM and average strength by 14.3±1.5% and 12.8±1.1%, respectively, the participants who were “on a placebo” experienced only minor changes in body composition: 0.5±0.8% increases in lean mass and a 9.5±3.6% reduction in body fat. Needless to say that these changes, as well as the increased back squat 1-RM and average strength of 5.7±1.7% and 5.9±1.7% were also statistically different from the pronounced gains in the “1-Andro” group. The subjects also completed a 4-wk (16 session) structured resistance-training program. Additionally, any negative side effects shown may be attributed to the grapefruit extract that was added to this natural hormone.
Results showed 1-Androstenolone™ to be significantly more powerful than it would appear structurally. The male subjects gained an average lean mass of 10.4 lbs and an increase in strength of 92.2 lbs in total load on bench, squat, and deadlift. These are significant gains from a prohormone. The researchers concluded that the prohormone supplement contributed to robust improvements in muscle mass and strength in resistance trained males. Although repeated studies are necessary to substantiate the efficacy of any compound, it’s safe to say that 1-Andro definitely packs a punch! When combined with proper diet and exercise the mental and physical benefits to this prohormone may give you an amazing edge in the gym to reach your fitness goals for strength and size.
Attention: These products are not anabolic steriods and all claims are theories. LG Science products will only assist you in reaching your fitness goals. Muscle and weight gain are the result of hard exercise and proper diet. Supplements are not a replacement.
DIRECTIONS: Take 2-4 tablets per day in divided doses with or without food. Do not exceed 4 tablets per day.