- Feel the Sting of Extreme Energy!
- Not for the Yellow Bellied!
Yellow Scorpion™ is one of the newest stimulant products from Hi-Tech (the leader in diet and energy pills). Yellow Scorpion™ contains 25 mg Thermo-Z™ brand ephedra extract and is designed so you will feel the sting of extreme energy! Yellow Scorpion™ is not for the yellow bellied or those not accustomed to powerful stimulants! Yellow Scorpion™ is comparable to ephedra products that were in every convenience store in the country. Yellow Scorpion™ is easily distinguished from the sizzling scorpion on its capsule, and its over-the-top packaging. Millions of people have enjoyed the effects of ephedra…now Yellow Scorpion™ takes extreme energy to another level!
The Most Dynamic, The Most Insane, Energizer Ever Created!!
While you might not have noticed a difference with other diet or energy pills, you will with Yellow Scorpion™ by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. Yellow Scorpion™ Diet & Energy capsules aren't just designed to help you lose weight, but they're also going to help you feel better in the process. With Yellow Scorpion™ with ephedra, you get the power of ephedra as well as mood-boosting natural ingredients that make your weight loss not only easier on your body, but also on your life.
Yellow Scorpion™ is HARDCORE and without question, the most powerful dynamic energizer/weight management product on the market today. While other energizers require you to take 3 or 4 pills to feel even the slightest effect… Yellow Scorpion™ is so powerful, with its Acacia Rigidula and Ephedra extracts, that all you need to take is ONE and you’ll be Cranked-Up like you never have before! Even hardcore ephedrine enthusiasts who were taking high dosages of their beloved ECA stacks per day, consider the effects of Yellow Scorpion™ beyond Insane!
Acacia rigidula extract, often called the ephedrine imposter, is the most effective metabolic stimulator on the market today! It is backed by "double-blind placebo controlled studies" and its effects were released at the Arnold Classic. Acacia rigidula displays beta-2 adrenergic receptor agonist activity. The findings of the present study indicate that the increase in resting metabolic rate exhibited with Acacia Rigidula (12+%) are actually superior to the findings of previous studies which reported that 10 to 30 mg ephedrine increased energy expenditure by 6.6% to 10%.
Hi-Tech's Research and Development Team has turned the Energizer market on its head with a new dimension of energy, alertness, and weight loss. Yellow Scorpion™ is the Scientific Breakthrough in Energy and Weight Loss our Industry has been looking for! Yellow Scorpion™ will cause you to feel the sting of extreme energy from the moment you take it and will stay all over you for hours! The "ECA" stack of the 90's is combined with Thermo-Rx® (often called the ephedrine imposter) from Acacia rigidula. Yellow Scorpion™ contains Thermo-Z™ brand ephedra extract (not banned in any state or by the FDA). If you don't want to be a yellow belly, try Yellow Scorpion™ and FEEL THE STING!!
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to treat, cure, diagnose, or prevent any disease. This product should not be used in place of or as a substitute for recommendations by your healthcare professional. No clinical study has been performed on Yellow Scorpion™. These statements specifically are based upon the active ingredients: Ephedra, Caffeine, Acacia rigidula, 1,3 Dimethylamine HCl,Theobromine, and Yohimbe. WARNING: this product can raise blood pressure and interfere with other drugs you may be taking. Talk to your doctor about this product.
Take 1 capsule 3 times daily. Do not exceed 4 capsules in any 24 hour period.