LG Sciences 4-Androstenolone™ is one of the most powerful pro-hormones to hit the market in a long time. This revolutionary testosterone boosting compound has also been shown to aid in lean muscle mass. Since the passage of the Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2014 (DASCA). LG Sciences 4-Androstenolone™ brings to market the most potent — patented, “cutting-edge” legal bodybuilding prohormone and testosterone booster available today. 4-Androstenolone™ like other prohormones only converts 1.5- 4% of the hormone orally ingested. LG Sciences Cyclosome™ Technology described below makes the active prohormones — like 4-Androstenolone™ — almost completely bioavailable compounds, creating an extreme anabolic environment in the body.
Servings Per Container : 60
Other Ingredients: Microcrystanline Cellulose, Phosphatidylcholine 75%, Hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin (HPBCD), Phytosterols, Magnesium Stearate, Silica, FD&C Blue#2, FD&C Red#40, * % Daily Value Not Available.
4-Androstenolone™ is a naturally occurring DHEA isomer. It’s structure closely resembles regular DHEA but the double bond is in the 4th position, which dramatically changes its effects. The new kid on the block — 4-androstenolone (4-ANDRO). 4-Androstenolone™ may be the strongest of the all the 4 series compounds. 4-DHEA requires a (2) step conversion process involving 3b-HSD and 17b-HSD to convert it to both Androstenedione and Androstenediol respectively, and then testosterone.
4-Androstenolone™ readily converts to 4-androstenediol, rather than 5-androstenediol, boosting its anabolic potency several times more than regular DHEA. 4-Androstenolone™ is also expected to have a higher conversion rate to testosterone compared to regular DHEA. We theorize 4-DHEA also lacks the calorie burning thermogenic properties, therefore offering superior calorie retention for a bulking effect. This increased anabolic potency and reduced thermogenic action will likely lead to noticeable gains in strength, lean tissue growth, and weight gain. And as long as a Liposomal forms of 4-Androstenolone™ are used, elevation in estrogens appear to be minimal.
4-Androstenolone™ is also called 4 androstene-3b-ol,17-one or 4-ANDRO by many in the bodybuilding community for short. 4-Androsterone products are great stackers, and can be stacked with almost any compound. Both experimental and anecdotal evidence supports 4-Androstenolone’s ability to raise testosterone levels and improve performance.
4-Androstenolone™ from LG Sciences delivers 50 milligrams of 4-Androstenolone™ per Cyclosome™ tablet capsule to provide support for search testosterone synthesis through an enzyme conversion reaction. It’s no secret that finding ways to increase testosterone levels is the current direction the performance enhancing trend is heading. And why not? Testosterone supports the muscle building process! It’s a fact! It is strongly suggested that the more circulating “free” testosterone you have in your system the more lean muscle mass you’re going to gain as a result of your training! In the Journal of Applied Physiology, scientists concluded …. “studies suggest that testosterone increases muscle mass by increasing muscle protein synthesis.”J.Appl Physiol 66 (1): 498-503.
Every bodybuilder knows that nothing, and we mean nothing, beats testosterone when it comes to delivering rapid muscle and strength gains, improving your mood, and increasing your libido to levels not seen since you were first hitting puberty. This is why, despite the introduction of a multitude of synthetic androgens from the 1950’s onwards, testosterone reigns supreme as the king of androgens, the one you MUST have in your cycle if you are truly to optimize your body composition and sense of well-being to the maximum possible levels.
Whether you are a novice or experienced body builder then 4-Androstenolone™ is a must product to help boost your testosterone levels giving you the power you need to build muscles you desire. 4-Androstenolone™ is classified as a prohormone and the closest assimilation to natural testosterone on the market today.
Although repeated studies are necessary to substantiate the efficacy of any compound, it’s safe to say that 4-Andro definitely packs a punch! When Combined with proper diet and exercise the mental and physical benefits to this prohormone may give you an amazing edge in the gym to reach your fitness goals for strength and size.
Attention: These products are not anabolic steriods and all claims are theories. LG Sciences’ products will only assist you in reaching your fitness goals. Muscle and weight gain are the result of hard exercise and proper diet, supplements are not a replacement.
DIRECTIONS: Take 3-6 tablets spread out during the day. Do not exceed 6 tablets daily.