Testalensis 250® A Revolutionary Testosterone Booster!
Testalensis 250® is an all natural test-booster that uses only the most scientifically proven ingredients to elevate testosterone levels. You can expect more strength leading to heavier lifts, more muscle mass increase, lots of natural energy, and a libido that will go absolutely through the roof.
Testalensis 250®- Uses the first and only standardized Bulbine Natalensis in the world. Brought to you by none other than APS. Obviously our standardized 100:1 extract ratio bulbine natalensis material is far superior to the current 1:1 extract NON-STANDARDIZED bulbine currently on the market. Not that some of that bulbine isn’t from the correct part of the plant or of the correct origin, because it is. But just like all other herbs the standardized version is vastly superior, bulbine is no exception, the fact is OUR BULBINE IS 100X MORE POTENT and emphasizes those components that effect performance and hypertrophy.
Testalensis 250® is the culmination of several other proprietary ingredients, proven by science to be beneficial in raising testosterone (Testogen™, and 99.9% Pure N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid), naturally, as well as other ingredients proven by science to promote positive estrogen modulation towards the beneficial metabolites (Indole-3-Carbinol).* And finally, two ingredients that have been shown to aid in the absorption and bio-availabity of the package as a whole (6,7 Dihydroxybergamottin and Bioperine®).
The standardized bulbine natalensis found in APS Testalensis 250 is standardized to the following- No less than 50% steroidal saponins,10% sterols and 2.5% sterolins. Because of their importance we were also careful to preserve the full spectrum of organic chemicals including fatty acids,alkaloids, tannins and terpenes. This standardized material is so far superior to current bulbine in terms of building muscle and reducing estrogen it makes it obsolete. Our bulbine is unquestionably the new standard in bulbine natalensis superiority and simply cannot be equaled.
Testalensis 250® is the culmination of several other proprietary ingredients, proven by science to be beneficial in raising testosterone (Testogen™, and 99.9% Pure N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid), naturally, as well as other ingredients proven by science to promote positive estrogen modulation towards the beneficial metabolites (Indole-3-Carbinol).* And finally, two ingredients that have been shown to aid in the absorption and bio-availability of the package as a whole (6,7 Dihydroxybergamottin and Bioperine®).
Testogen™ is an extract of fenugreek seed containing the steroidal saponins, sapogenins and furostanol saponins, which are important precursors for the synthesis of a number of sex hormones. This extract has been proven in human studies to raise free testosterone (the biologically active form) by almost 100%. Fenugreek contains Protodioscin, Pseudo Protodioscin, Gracillin, Protogracillin, Diosgenin, Dioscin and many other saponins and sapogenins. Many of these other saponins are not identified yet.
N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid
N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid (NMDA) is an amino acid derivative capable of causing an intensely anabolic response from NMDA receptors found within our bodies. NMDA receptors are designed to accept only certain compounds to connect to them, the most potent being NMDA. When NMDA binds to an NMDA receptor our HPTA (hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis) is sent into overdrive and releases a potent combination of testosterone, growth hormone, IGF-1, and IGF-2.
Testalensis 250® uses an ultra- pure, 99.9% Pharmaceutical-Grade N-Methyl-D-Aspartic Acid for NMDA receptor activation and allosteric modulation. Activation of the NMDA receptor has shown a direct relation to increases in Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Testosterone. Several studies have shown the relation between LH, Testosterone, NMDA activation, and NMDA administration.
Testalensis 250® NMDA has been proven to be 100x stronger than D-Aspartic Acid! Until now, the only way to activate the NMDA receptors is by using a relatively weak NMDA receptor activator, D-Aspartic Acid. D-Aspartic Acid quickly became popular when people studies revealed it could raise their testosterone by 42% in as little as 12 days. While that may sound remarkable, it has been clinically proven that while D-Aspartic Acid can activate the NMDA receptor, pure NMDA can activate the NMDA receptor more than 100x (10,000%) more effectively! So you may ask why do most supplement companies only offer the weaker version- D-Aspartic Acid. Pharmaceutical-grade NMDA costs over 20 times more than DAA but is 100 times more potent! Testalensis 250® contains an incredible 50mg of pure NMDA that will be delivered straight to NMDA receptors that can then lead to unimaginable hormonal elevation! Other products claiming to contain NMDA, but very few contain 99.9% pure NMDA, and none of them deliver 50mg of this potent compound!
Testosterone and Growth Hormone Synergy
Testosterone (androgen) is a hormone. Hormones are powerful chemicals that help keep our bodies working normally. The term hormone is derived from the Greek word, hormo, which means to set in motion. And that’s precisely what hormones do. They stimulate, regulate, and control the function of various tissues such as muscle. The principal male hormone and an anabolic steroid, testosterone is mainly produced in the male testes, with very small amounts also secreted by the adrenal glands. Testosterone production declines naturally with age, and in men, testosterone begins to decline at about age 25. Testosterone has a number of effects on muscles, the prostate, and sexual function. On average, the adult male body produces about twenty to thirty times the amount of testosterone
Testalensis 250® contains a 98% pure Levo Dopa extract, which is a remarkable precursor for the needed and beneficial neurotransmitter Dopamine. Clinically proven, it is one of the few substances that crosses the blood brain barrier, converting into Dopamine, and thereby stimulating the hypothalamus and pituitary to release and increase the level of growth hormone in the body. Dopamine also regulates motor control, sex drive, fat gain, lean muscle gain, energy levels, and the ability to sleep soundly.
Studies in 1970 discovered and clinically proved that patients using L-Dopa had significant increases in plasma hGH levels. L-Dopa supplementation was later tested on children that were short in stature and was found to significantly elevate the hGH levels. Other clinical studies found that L-Dopa supplementation in healthy young adults (ages 31 to 44) increased hGH levels by a staggering 221%! The use of L-Dopa has proved to be an effective stimulator of Human Growth Hormone release and therefore a highly effective and viable alternative for those unwilling to inject prescription hGH or those financially hindered from acquiring these more expensive treatments.
Testalensis 250® is the hottest testosterone supplements released since the prohormone ban. Testalensis 250® is power-packed, and contains clinically-researched ingredients. Testalensis 250® is proven to boost your testosterone, LH and hGH levels without injecting your body with unknown substances or consuming products with unproven ingredients. Increased testosterone levels make it easier to increase lean muscle mass, improve your strength and enhance your performance. By raising natural testosterone, Testalensis 250® will significantly boost your sex drive, increase energy and facilitate a lean, hard physique. Testalensis 250® is incredible in its ability to increase your performance in the gym to levels never seen before and will improve so that you can go back to packing on that lean muscle!
As a dietary supplement, take two (2) one or two times daily on an empty stomach. Take 8-12 hours apart. Do not exceed four (4) capsules daily.